Listen to a Mystery Story
Creative writing and Music workshop for 8-12 years old
What do we make in a creative writing workshop?
What do we create in a music workshop?
What will happen if we combine the two?
The aim of this workshop is to answer these questions with creativity and improvisation. Through creative writing play and experimentation with soundscapes, the participants learn about the basics of mystery story-telling and how sound can work in augmenting stories.
Drawing inspiration and motifs from the fourth mystery adventure book of Miranda Vatikioti of The Blue Socks Gang: A Midsummer Night's Thief (published by Aeolos Books), we will create our own mystery narratives, explore how music can enliven the scenes
and above we will all play with storytelling and sound-making.
This short workshop is aimed at people around 8 to 12 years old who want to create mystery stories and learn how music can make their stories soar!
The team will be coordinated by writer and theater teacher Miranda Vatikiotis in collaboration with musicians Vassilis Tzavaras and Michalis Nibolianitis.
Duration: 2 3 hour days
At the end of the workshop there will be a short presentation by the children to their parents and family.